Customer Success Stories

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Push Tool

Repairing impacts on bumper covers has traditionally been a cumbersome process, often resulting in less-than-ideal outcomes and inefficient use of resources. Read More

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Repair Jig

In the automotive repair industry, dealing with broken or missing bumper tabs presents a significant challenge, often leading to inefficient repairs or the need for complete bumper replacements. Read More

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Headlight Tabs

The automotive repair industry frequently encounters issues with damaged or missing tabs on headlights, which traditionally necessitated either the costly replacement of the entire headlight. Read More

Metal Rings

IBIS Global, a prominent international organization known for its influential industry events, faced a challenge when planning their annual awards ceremony. Read More


What Our Customers Say

Working with the team at Auto Additive has provided our business with new products and opportunities for growth. Their ability to support and advise us on the best-suited solutions has been key to our growing partnership.

Brian –

Auto Additive has enabled our business and the industry to design and manufacture new tools and jigs that would not be possible via traditional methods. These uniquely designed tools allow our customers to achieve much more in repairing plastics.

Michael - 4Plastic


Auto Additive Benefits:


Depth of Experience

Our team of experts are specialists and pioneers in their field, providing Auto Additive and our customers with exclusive access to the latest innovations and solutions.


Highest Quality Standards

Our products and materials meet the highest standards, in line with OEM quality and performance. We don’t compromise on cost to provide the best, safest, and most reliable products.


Environment & Sustainability

With each component we supply, working with our partners, we contribute in reducing our environmental and carbon footprint by using additive manufacturing and assisting in the repair of more parts